On Letting Go and Surrendering to “What Is”

Today on the podcast, Real, Brave, & Unstoppable, I’m re-airing an episode about letting go and surrendering to the flow of life.

Now, in case you haven’t noticed, letting go and surrendering to the present moment is often a hard thing to do.

letting go and surrendering to what is

As beautiful, amazing and unique as we are, humans love control. We love to know how things are going to go.

And we definitely have an idea of what life is supposed to look like for us.

It’s like we have a “prescription” for our lives and we’re just trying to constantly fill it.

But where does the “prescription” come from?

It’s based on our conditioning, culture, societal beliefs, and family values that have been handed down. Our “prescription” is based on our fears and our wounding.

But, that’s not how it actually works in real life.

There is no “prescription”. Life is unfolding as it happens, in the NOW. There is no way we can ever know what is going to happen in the next second, even though we think we know it all.

We cling to our idea of the “prescription” because it makes us feel safe and secure to “know” what’s around the bend for us.

Only, like I said, we really don’t.

We don’t actually know anything.

let go and surrender

So, wouldn’t it be easier to let go, surrender, and accept that we don’t know?

Wouldn’t it be easier and more fun if we just accepted that things are unfolding at the speed of time and space?

Letting go is one of the things that has been coming up for me and my clients in a big way lately. We’ve been challenged to let go of relationships, jobs, old ways of being, and old belief systems.

And it can feel unsafe.

Everyone has these patterns, by the way. We ALL have things we can (and need to) let go of.

Letting go and surrendering is one of the prerequisites to living an exquisite life that you love. Is it easy? No. But it’s easily possible and I can support you.

Consider this your invitation to join me at RISE: The Live Retreat Experience where you’ll spend three days transcending your limits, claiming yourself as a sovereign, unstoppable being, and RISING into the ocean of possibility that exists for you and your life.

The retreat takes place September 8-10 in the gorgeous, serene countryside of Maryland, just 45-60 minutes outside of DC/Baltimore/Northern Virginia.

I invite you to learn more at https://kortneyrivard.com/retreat

It’s my dream to help you and all people see that anything you want to create in their life is possible if you believe it’s possible.

I want to share with the world that if you can dream it, you can do it and there is really no reason for you to be held back by your limits, even tough it can feel impossible.

Will you consider joining me in September? Availability is limited and there are just a few spots left.

Is one of them yours?

Here’s the link to learn more again: https://kortneyrivard.com/retreat

Again, here’s the link to learn more: https://kortneyrivard.com/retreat


Real, Brave, & Unstoppable, the podcast
RISE: The Live Retreat Experience

Kortney Rivard

Oh hey there!

I’m Kortney and I help brave, passionate women just like you love all of who you are so you can stop playing small and live your life like you were meant to – as a confident, badass empowered woman on an amazing adventure.


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