Yes, it's hard.

But you don’t have to go it alone.

Yes, it's hard.

But you don’t have to go it alone.

How to Create a Life you Love

Tired of feeling like you want more from your life but don’t know what, or how? Get this free guide to get you started dreaming and building a vision for your great adventure.

If you're ready move forward, rebuild your life, and feel more alive than you ever have, you're in the right place.

Oh, sister. The end of a relationship is hard whether it was your choice or not.

Life as you knew it is gone and you’re grieving a whole life that didn’t get to be lived.

It’s overwhelming thinking about what’s next, how you’re going to move forward and rebuild, or how you’re going to make it on your own. You’re probably feeling a little lost and alone. It’s hard to imagine feeling happy or even envision your life feeling “normal” again,

You want to feel better. You want to feel like you have a clear direction. You want support and connection. 

You want a bigger life than the one you had before. You want to come out of this brighter and more alive than you've ever been.

meet kortney

Hi, I'm Kortney.

I help smart, ambitious women rebuild their lives after a divorce or breakup and I can help you too.

I’ll be your sherpa as you climb this mountainI’ll walk with you on your journey.

I’ll empower you to love the heck out of yourself, get unstuck, and do the things to create an authentic life that’s bigger and better than the one you had before. 

A life that no one can take away from you because YOU created it.

Yes, this is hard, but you can do hard things. You will be ok.

But you don’t have to do it alone.

Work with Me

Go from feeling like you don’t know which direction you’re headed to having clarity, purpose, and JOY in your life.

Your soul knows the answers, but sometimes you just need help finding them.  No, you’re not broken.  

‘ll help you see what’s possible for you and to create a vision for a life that lights you up – the life you’re meant to live

Want to learn more?

what people are saying

client love...

Kortney is a very gifted coach.
I felt so safe and seen in our sessions.

She helped me tap into my true bravery.
I love working with her.


Wondering if coaching can help you change your life?

Getting on a call with me is the best way to find out!

Let’s talk!

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