How to Know if You’re a Perfectionist

are you a perfectionist?

How do you know if you’re a perfectionist? Why does it matter?

What does it even mean, and what’s the difference between striving to achieve something well and being a perfectionist?

My theme for February is perfectionism, and throughout the month I’ll be talking about what it is, how to know if you’re a perfectionist, and how it shows up in our lives.

Be sure to sign up for me email newsletter (you’ll get 26 FREE journal prompts as a bonus!) to get notifications on new articles and podcast episodes AND be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook for resources and tips throughout the month.

In this episode of Real, Brave & Unstoppable, I’m talking about what perfectionism is, how it’s shown up in my own life, and some of the cognitive distortions that keep people stuck in perfectionistic thinking.

As you listen to this episode, I invite you to think about how perfectionist thinking and behaviors show up in your own life. Get curious about it and ask yourself some questions:

  • What areas of my life does perfectionism show up?
  • Does my self-worth depend on how well I do something, or what I achieve?
  • Do I have unrealistic expectations of myself or others?
  • Do I compare myself to others and feel bad about myself as a result?
  • What are some thoughts I have that are perfectionistic and that maybe I could look at a little deeper to see if they are really true?

Those are just a few ideas. Journal about them!

At the end of the month, I’ll be hosting a Zoom workshop on art journaling and how you can use it to work on taming your inner perfectionist. I’ll be hosting with Mary Ann Rivard (my mom!), who is a super-talented artist and rabid art journaler.

You will learn SO much from the workshop, starting with the very basics. Anyone can do this!

The signup page for the workshop will go live next week!

Seats will be limited, so be sure to get on my email list (and get your free journal prompts) and follow me on Instagram to be the first to know all the deets!


Get out of your rut and create a life you’re excited to wake up to!
I’ll help you take the first steps! Check out my intro program for new clients, Unf*@! Your Stuck: 21 Days to Turn Your I Can’ts into I CANs

Got limiting beliefs?
It’s ok. We all do. But the question is, are yours holding you back from living a life you love? Take this QUIZ to find out!

Do you have a question or need help solving a specific issue?
Book a free 20-minute mini session for a kickstart to get you on your way. Schedule HERE.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to shoot me a message! I’d love to hear from you!

Kortney Rivard

Oh hey there!

I’m Kortney and I help brave, passionate women just like you love all of who you are so you can stop playing small and live your life like you were meant to – as a confident, badass empowered woman on an amazing adventure.


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