Anything is Possible (if You Believe it’s Possible)

I felt inspired to write today about possibility. It’s typically how I think… in terms of possibility. Possibility thinking is what I call it. And I believe that anything possible if you believe it’s possible.

Today, I want to share a story about my Grandpa Swenson.

Grandpa passed away almost 3 years ago, but he’s with me every day in spirit.

believe in possibility

Grandpa was a special guy. He had the most positive attitude about life and seriously didn’t have a mean bone in his body.

He was an adventurer. And he was a go-getter. It’s where I get MY sense of adventure and drive to try new things.

One of my favorite things he said often was, you’ve just gotta go for it, Kori. Life’s too short not to.

He and my Grandma were world travelers. They went to Europe several times, Australia, and they visited my cousins and me in every place we ever lived (for me, that was a LOT of places!). They also traveled to Ecuador many times to do mission work in the orphanages and with the natives of the Amazon jungle.

They always had the most amazing stories because their travel wasn’t really about the sights. It was about connecting with humanity.

My grandparents never had an inkling that they might be better than anyone else. They were super open-minded and embraced all cultures and all people.

After they retired from their careers, they opened a campground that was themed around the people indigenous to the East-Central Minnesota area. They named the campground Camp Waub-o-Jeeg, after a warrior and chief of the Ojibwe people. I remember my Grandma doing tons of research on the indigenous tribes and they always had little native american-themed gifts and souvenirs in their campground shop.

As in their travels, their campground was a platform for meeting all sorts of different people – and again, connecting with humanity. Even when they encountered people who weren’t necessarily like them, my Grandpa would smile, shrug and say, that’s different”.

My Grandpa was truly in awe of life. He would often drop his jaw in amazement and say “Wow. Just wow!”

if you can dream it you can do it - walt disney

So why am I writing about my Grandpa today?

Well, first of all, I just visited my Grandma in Minnesota last week. She’s 94 or 95 (I can’t remember!) and misses my Grandpa so much. So, he was on my mind.

But as I mentioned earlier, my Grandpa is really my inspiration for being adventurous and open-minded.

He’s my inspiration for my expansive and open mindset. My belief that anything is possible if you decide it’s possible.

Anything is possible if you decide it’s possible.

Isn’t that a better mindset than I can’t do that?

I want to tell you about a life-changing event I’m leading this September.

You may have seen blurbs about this in my emails if you’re part of my community, but today it’s tugging on my heart especially hard as a result of thinking about my Grandpa and how he inspired me to think about what’s possible.

The event is called RISE (into POSSIBILITY) and it’s a live retreat experience like no other.

You will discover the limiting thoughts and beliefs that are keeping you stuck in your limits and you will transform them so you can live in POSSIBILITY.

It’s truly a MUCH better way to live (trust me, I’ve tried both).

The retreat takes place September 8-10 in the beautiful, serene countryside of Maryland, just an hour or so from DC/Baltimore.

I invite you to learn more at

But you need to hurry because the early bird rate expires at midnight on July 31st (that’s THIS Sunday!).

It’s my passion and life’s work to help you and all people see that anything you want to create in your life is possible if you believe it’s possible.

unicorn believe in what's possible

I want to share with the world that if you can dream it, you can do it and there is really no reason for you to be held back by your limits.

Does this sound like a Pollyanna way of thinking? Maybe. Depends on what you believe, I suppose.

Will you consider joining me in September? Availability is limited and there are just a few spots left.

Is one of them yours?

Again, here’s the link to learn more:

Rise; the live retreat experience transformational retreat September 2022 Washington, DC Maryland


Real, Brave, & Unstoppable, the podcast
RISE: The Live Retreat Experience

Kortney Rivard

Oh hey there!

I’m Kortney and I help brave, passionate women just like you love all of who you are so you can stop playing small and live your life like you were meant to – as a confident, badass empowered woman on an amazing adventure.


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