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Manifesting Your Dream Life with Authenticity and Courage

In this article, part 3 of a 3-part series, you’ll learn how to put authenticity and courage together to manifest your dream life.

Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.

Sounds pretty badass, right?

I believe each of us has the power to be unstoppable. The question is whether or not you’ll tap into that great source of power you have inside of you.

People talk about manifesting the life you want all the time. Law of Attraction. Believe it and you will achieve it and all that jazz. But, so many people get the Law of Attraction wrong.

When I first watched “The Secret”, many years ago, I was really confused because everyone seemed to be thinking that all we had to do was create vision boards and see ourselves having what we wanted and it would just come.

But manifesting your dream life is nothing like that at all. It’s not some magic wish that we make when we blow out our birthday candles or see a shooting star. Manifesting your dream life is so much more than that.

If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe you can succeed and leave no stone unturned until you make it a reality.

Dr. Roopleen

This is really more what manifesting your dream life is all about.

Over the past few weeks, I wrote a couple of articles on authenticity and courage and how these two qualities are crucial ingredients in crafting the life you dream of–a life that’s true to who you are and lights you up. My inspiration for this series of articles was my podcast, Real, Brave, & Unstoppable, and the title of my show really sums up how I feel about creating a life that you’re excited to wake up to.

First of all, you can’t know what your dream life truly is unless you are being who you really are in your heart and soul.

This is harder than you might think. Life happens. People happen. We shape-shift to fit in and belong, and this is natural because we’re human.

We fear judgment and criticism. We’re afraid of failing. We’re afraid of not being good enough. The thing is, when we’re living from a place of fear, we aren’t being who we’re truly meant to be. We’re being someone else, living in the world of “shoulds” – the way we think we should be living, or the way others think we should be living.

This is building life from the outside-in: manipulating the outside circumstances so they line up to make others comfortable and trying to match your inside (your heart and soul) to the outside. You can’t build your dream life this way because it won’t truly be yours. It’s really someone else’s life.

But to show up and be seen in your full authenticity is scary. It requires courage. And, as Brene Brown says, “courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.”

Manifesting your dream life starts with sharing your authentic self with the world.

Courage is how you share your authentic self.

In Brene Brown’s book, The Gifts of Imperfection, she writes:

The root of the word courage is “cor” – the Latin word for heart. In one of its earliest forms, the word courage had a very different definition than it does today. Courage originally mean “to speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.”

Over time, this definition has changed and today, courage is more synonymous with being heroic. Heroics is important and we certainly need heroes, but I think we’ve lost touch with the idea that speaking honestly and openly about who we are, about what we’re feeling, and about our experiences (good and bad) is the definition of courage. Heroics is often about putting our life on the line. Ordinary courage is about putting our vulnerability on the line. In today’s world, that’s pretty extraordinary. 

Brene Brown

Courage is to speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart.

Courage is being authentic. Courage is being YOU.

Courage is also needed to step out of your comfort zone and into something bigger and better as you move through your life. Humans are wired to want to grow, to want more life. So staying stuck in your comfort zone is a recipe for feeling like you’re stuck on a merry-go-round that never stops.

You can’t manifest your dream life if you stay buried in your comfort zone!

Being unstoppable in manifesting your dream life requires that you step out of your comfort zone into the magical place of growth, where you flex your courage muscles and strengthen your tolerance for discomfort. Soon, this place becomes a new comfort zone where you experience more. You experience bigger and better.

Once you’ve hung out in this new place, you get comfortable and it’s time for another step. You determine the next step from your heart–your authenticity, and you summon the courage to step into a new magical space of growth. 

It’s a challenging, but beautiful cycle with so much richness to experience along the way. So much learning.

But how do you summon the courage to be yourself and to step out of the safe, comfy place you’ve grown to know so well? 

You need to believe in yourself. You have to trust that you have everything you need inside of your authentic self to take you on this journey. 

Trust and believe. Be authentic. Lean into courage.  Be Real. Be Brave.

And you, my friend, will be unstoppable… and from that brave place, you can manifest your dream life!

runners starting line being unstoppable

Prefer to listen? Click HERE to listen to the accompanying podcast episode on Real, Brave, & Unstoppable!

Learn to be believe in yourself so YOU can be unstoppable:

why is courage important RISE

Learn more HERE


I'm a life & wellness coach that helps women in midlife reconnect with themselves so they can be happier and get excited about life again.