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World Kindness Day – 45 Ways to Be Kind to Someone Today

Did you know today is World Kindness Day?  

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like life is totally on autopilot.  Sometimes, I lose sight of being intentional about things.  Well, today is the perfect excuse to get intentional about incorporating some kindness into your life.  

Have you ever been in a rush or in a bad mood and had someone take an extra minute to smile at you, tell you to have a nice day, give you a compliment or ask you how your day is going?  How did it make you feel?  I know for me, little things like that can make a big difference in my day.  

I think it’s pretty common though, to go back to our normal day and not really take the time to appreciate and reflect on those little moments. 

Let’s change that today, shall we? Let’s be intentional about creating these moments of kindness for others.  What if we went out of our way today to make someone smile or give someone a compliment? 

I invite you to be intentional in celebrating World Kindness Day today.  Below is a list of 45 ways you can share kindness with others today.  Try a few!

  1. Reach out to a friend or family member that you haven’t been in touch with in a while
  2. Give someone a compliment
  3. Treat someone to a cup of coffee
  4. Let someone merge in front of you in traffic and give them a smile and a wave
  5. Offer to let someone with small children go ahead of you in line
  6. Smile at a stranger
  7. Give someone a hug
  8. Help a stranger
  9. Write someone a handwritten thank you note or “thinking of you” note
  10. If you use public transportation and there are no free seats, be the first to stand up and offer an elderly person or pregnant woman your seat
  11. If you see a homeless person, think about how you might be able to help them – buy them a meal, ask if there is anything they need.  Strike up a conversation.
  12. When someone is talking to you, be all there.  Take the time to really listen.
  13. Tell your loved ones you love them
  14. Forgive a driver for their mistake on the road or their road rage directed at you.  Maybe a smile and a wave
  15. If a friend or family member is having a hard time, let them know you are there for them 
  16. Donate blood
  17. Encourage someone
  18. Say “please” and “thank you”
  19. Donate to your favorite charity
  20. Be kind to the earth – recycle, pick up trash, bike to work
  21. Be kind to yourself – get a massage, a pedicure, treat yourself to a cup of coffee or a bubble bath
  22. Leave a note on a neighbor’s or coworker’s car wishing them a fabulous day
  23. Write an email to the manager of a store you frequent, letting them know about an employee you find helpful and friendly
  24. If you hear gossip, change the conversation to look for the positives
  25. Donate stuff you no longer use
  26. Give someone the benefit of the doubt
  27. Leave your server an extra big tip for excellent service
  28. Hold the door open for a mom with a stroller or someone with their hands full
  29. Next time you order something at a counter, ask the cashier how their day is going 
  30. Buy your partner’s favorite treat next time you’re at the store
  31. Forgive someone
  32. Give your partner a massage without expecting one in return
  33. Hide a note for your partner to find
  34. Buy a deck of inspirational cards and leave them in random places for people to find (windshields, desks, doorsteps)
  35. Bake cookies and bring the whole batch to your favorite local shop for the employees to enjoy
  36. Say “good morning” to anyone who crosses your path
  37. Promote a friend’s web site or business via email, social media or word of mouth.  It’s something simple to do, but means the world to them that you have their back and are telling others about their services!
  38. Text a joke or a funny photo to someone going through a hard time to make them smile
  39. Carry $5 Starbucks cards with you and give one to a homeless person or anyone that seems like they’re having a rough day
  40. Offer to help an elderly person across the street or carry their groceries
  41. Send flowers unexpectedly
  42. Stop complaining 
  43. Take a friend out for lunch
  44. volunteer
  45. Find the good in everyone.  Instead of talking negatively about someone, only let yourself say positive things

Remember:  kindness starts with one smile, one compliment, one conversation.  It might make all the difference in the world to someone if you take just a minute to get out of your comfort zone and do something nice for another human. Let’s go out and spread kindness on World Kindness Day!

I would really love to hear which ones you practiced.  Post in the comments, or shoot me an email!


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I'm a life & wellness coach that helps women in midlife reconnect with themselves so they can be happier and get excited about life again.