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Why Do We Make Things So Complicated?

why do we make things so complicated

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Why do we make things so complicated?

Several months ago, I noticed myself saying “this is so hard” a lot. And it’s fine to think something is hard, but at the end of the day, it’s really not all that helpful to focus on how hard something is.

Typically, thinking something is hard over and over again doesn’t really make things any easier.

When I found myself in this space of feeling like everything was sticky and hard, I had a thought.

What if it’s supposed to be hard right now? What if this being hard is here to teach me something. And what if I shifted my focus from “this is hard” to “how can I make this easier?”


What if, when something feels complicated and hard, it’s just the Universe presenting you with a challenge. A challenge to learn how to make things easier?

Because no one wants to live in hard. Am I right?

Your brain is wired to see the complexity in things. It’s wired to create complex solutions. It’s wired to make things harder than they need to be.

But you can teach your brain to find simplicity, flow, and ease.

Listen to this episode of Real, Brave, & Unstoppable to learn how to notice when things feel sticky and hard and how to rise to the challenge of making hard easier.

It’s just another way of growing!

Do you struggle with making things harder than they need to be? Do you wish your life felt lighter and more in flow?

I’m here for you! Consider this your invitation to hop on a FREE Clarity Session with me.

We’ll chat about all the ways you feel like things feel hard in your life right now. I’ll give you my ideas for how you can bring more ease, flow, and simplicity into your life (which leads to more joy and purpose too!). You’ll gain tons of insight and walk away from the call with some “a-has” that just may change your life!

Reach out to schedule HERE.

free clarity session


I'm a life & wellness coach that helps women in midlife reconnect with themselves so they can be happier and get excited about life again.