Trusting Your Inner Knowing

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This week on Real, Brave, & Unstoppable, I’m talking about your inner knowing.

What is your inner knowing?

It’s your inuition, your inner voice, your inner wisdom.

It’s a form of knowing that comes from someplace other than your logical mind. The insights you get when your mind is quiet.

It can be hard to trust this knowing because our minds are busy! Life is fast and we are busy doing all the things and thinking all the thoughts. It’s noisy in that head of ours! Your mind wants to overcomplicate things. It wants to be logical and linear and have reasons for everything.

Your mind is clogged up with beliefs and thinking that cause you to second-guess your intuition too, which is one reason it can be so hard to listen to your intuition.

So how do you listen? How do you tap in to your inner knowing?

You get quiet. You take time to stop and listen. To connect with yourself.

How do you do this? Listen to this episode of Real, Brave, & Unstoppable to learn more!

Want to Learn More?

Being able to listen to your inner knowing is one of the keys to getting unstuck and living a life you LOVE. If you’re tired of feeling like you’re going through the motions in your life and don’t know how to get unstuck, I invite you to schedule a FREE Clarity Session with me.

You definitely want to schedule one of these sessions because I’ll help you get really clear on what’s not working for you now and WHY as well as give you my recommendations for what can help you get the results you deserve.

Please reach out to schedule a free session HERE!


I'm a life & wellness coach that helps women in midlife reconnect with themselves so they can be happier and get excited about life again.