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Feeling Cooped Up and Stressed? Here Are 15 Ways You Can Take Care of Yourself Right Now

Self care is important at any time, but right now it is essential.  

I don’t have to tell you that what’s happening in our world lately is crazy and stressful, overwhelming and uncertain.  We all handle difficult situations in different ways, but regardless of your method of coping method, it is important for all of us to take extra good care of ourselves right now.

Why is self-care important?

Let me tell you a story.  

I tend to be a pretty optimistic and upbeat person. When this pandemic began, and businesses were starting to close, I maintained an attitude of gratitude and optimism.  It was probably annoying to some people, but I like to think maybe it helped others to feel positive as well.

This week has been hard for me.  My day job was stressful.  My boyfriend and I are having issues.  I’m cooped up in my house, which I do NOT do well with.  I’m trying to find things for my kids to do (and they don’t want to comply at all).

bubble baths as self care

Shit got real this week.  In my stressed out state, I noticed my positive attitude starting to wane.  I started to get down in the dumps about things that I have been frustrated about for years, but always maintained the positive attitude that I am working toward what I want, and things will all work out. 

But this week was tough.   As a coach, I have done a lot of personal development work myself, and I have helped a lot of people with their own personal development and growth.  I was noticing my resistance to this new “normal” and realized that I have been making this a lot harder on myself.

I make it a point to practice some form of self-care almost daily, but I became aware that right now, more than ever, I need to really take care of myself or I will go crazy.

I have been missing the structure in my day; missing a routine.  I miss being out of the house, driving around for my day job.  I miss going to the gym, and to yoga.  I’m bummed that the half marathon I was planning to run in May has been cancelled.  I’m struggling to create some sort of normal for my kids.

I realized that I really need to put some extra effort into self care.  

I am maintaining my half marathon training run schedule, even though the race was cancelled.  I’m making a yoga date on most days – my yoga teacher is doing live Zoom yoga sessions – I am so grateful for that (shout out to @authenticaliyoga on the ‘Gram).  I meditated for 10 minutes today.  I cried.  I talked to my Grandpa in heaven and cried some more.  I took some time to focus on my breath.  I paid attention to my body when I was eating, so I could stop when I was full.  

Enough about me though. I want to share some ways that you can practice self care right now. Take these as suggestions and feel free to come up with your own.

Get Some Fresh Air

Getting outdoors for some fresh air will do wonders for your attitude.  Listen to the birds, feel your breath on your nostrils as you breathe in.  Feel the ground beneath you.  Close your eyes and take it all in.  

Get Some Exercise

You can combine fresh air and exercise too!  Get out for a hike (while maintaining proper social distance, of course!) or a bike ride.  Take your dogs for a walk.  Tons of online yoga studios and workout studios are offering free trials right now.  If you do yoga or belong to a gym, it’s possible that your venue offers online workouts as well.

Exercise as self care

 Spend Time With Family

Let’s face it – it is hard with the kids home 7 days a week.  I get that.  But try to look at the bright side – when was the last time you got this kind of quality time?  And it won’t last forever.  So find a way to enjoy your loved ones.  Play games, watch movies.  Talk.  Have dinners together.  Right now, I am loving having my high school senior around more often.  I am enjoying him so much.  He’s such a cool kid!

Call Friends or Do Virtual Hangouts

I’ve done virtual happy hours on Zoom, and it is so much fun!  We are SO lucky to have all of this technology available to us – to be able to video chat or talk on the phone is a godsend during this time.  Get creative with it too!  I’m planning a virtual dinner party… I’m going to get dressed up all fancy and everything!

Stick to or Create a Routine

Having some kind of routine is going to give you some structure that will help your sanity level immensely.  If you already have a routine, you may need to adjust a little bit for the current circumstances.  For example, I usually like to sit and have my coffee in my comfy chair in the morning. But when I’m feeling a little down, I have a tendency to hang out there much longer than I should.  Pretty soon coffee time turns into “I just don’t feel like doing anything” time and then suddenly I’ve wasted 4 hours of my day doing absolutely nothing worthwhile and I’m not feeling so stellar about myself for being lazy.  I’ve decided that I need a more active start to my morning, but I’m not sure exactly what that looks like yet.

Creating some sort of routine for the kids is helpful too.

Practice Gratitude

Some people don’t really like writing in a gratitude journal, and that is ok!  I don’t do it real formally, but when I’m feeling down, I try to journal, or just mentally think about everything I have to be thankful for.  

Right now, when I get frustrated that my job is stressful, I thank God that I still have one. When I feel angry that I’m cooped up in my house, I think about how lucky I am to have a nice house to live in.  You get the idea.  That might sound all “pollyanna” and all, but trust me – it works if you do it enough.

Limit Your Time Online

Know your limits of what you can handle in terms of what’s online or on TV. Some people aren’t bothered by anything, but others might totally freak out at the thought of watching Contagion or Outbreak.  You know what you can handle.  

If hearing more about the pandemic really bothers you, you may even need to delete certain apps from your phone.  Try setting a timer for spending time on Facebook, etc.  If you get anxious by too much media consumption, know when to turn it off.

laughing is self care


Watch funny You Tube videos, tell jokes, play silly games or just do an on-purpose laugh session.  Just laughing will brighten your spirits a little! And trust me… if you sit down and just force yourself to laugh when you’re feeling down, pretty soon you’ll be rolling in laughter at how ridiculous it is that you’re laughing at yourself laughing on purpose. Hahahahah.


If you are one whose thoughts tend to get away from you, consider starting a meditation practice.  You can do a guided meditation if it’s easier for you to get started, or if you’re comfortable just doing your own silent meditation, that’s great too.  

I love the Insight Timer app for guided meditations.  For silent meditations, I like to light a candle and some incense.  The smell of the incense really helps me focus (even though my kids HATE it!)

Create an upbeat or inspiring Playlist I find that listening to music with upbeat lyrics is helpful.  Combine it with a little dance party and you’ll surely have a smile on your face! Check out mine on Spotify.


When you’re stuck in your house all day, you’re bound to start to notice all the stuff you have that you really don’t need anymore.  I’m not suggesting you go full-on Kon-Mari, but just filling a box or two can feel freeing.  Plus, you can donate to a good cause, and get a tax benefit.

meditation as self care

Take a Relaxing Bath, Complete with Bubbles

Light some candles, and get out the bath salts and bubble bath.  Epsom salts are good for relaxing muscles, too. Use this time to close your eyes and meditate, or read a book with a glass of wine.  You do you!

Journal about Your Feelings

I am finding that when I am stressed or feeling down, journaling really helps me connect with my inner self again.  It helps me be more aware and in tune of what I’m feeling.  I notice myself not using as many unhelpful coping mechanisms, like snacking unnecessarily or drinking too many glasses of wine.  I’ve had some contentious encounters with people lately that have caused undue stress, and journaling about those has helped a lot too.

Acknowledge that it’s Ok to Be Worried

This is tough stuff, friends.  It is ok for you to be worried and afraid.  But don’t let it take over.  Acknowledge your feelings and then move forward. Don’t attach to them.  Feelings ebb and flow, and yours will too if you give them the time to do so.  

Remember You’re not Alone

Friends, we are all in this together.  Please, please know that you are not alone in your worry, fear, sadness and grief.  I am holding space for you from afar, and please know that we WILL get through this.  

What are you doing to take care of yourself?  

If you’re not practicing self care, which of these ideas do you think you can implement, starting today?

kortney rivard

Hey there!

I’m Kortney and I help women who want more from their life rediscover who they are and create a life they are excited about.

Are worn down putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own? Do you feel like you’re living your life for everyone but yourself?

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I'm a life & wellness coach that helps women in midlife reconnect with themselves so they can be happier and get excited about life again.