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Possibility Thinking

possibility thinking

In today’s episode of Real, Brave, & Unstoppable, I’m talking about one of my favorite concepts – possibility thinking.

What does it look like to think in terms of what’s possible instead of what’s limiting you?

What keeps holds you back from thinking with that mindset?

How can you change your perspective so you can be a possibility thinker?

Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

Before the automobile was invented, do you think people ever thought they’d be zooming down the highway in a Tesla?

Do you think that even fifty years ago, our parents and grandparents could even comprehend that we’d be able to work from home and interact with people via Zoom?

How about when Galileo studied astronomy – do you think he had a clue that someday there would be rovers landing on Mars and astronauts going to the moon?

Probably not.

The point is that if you keep thinking the way you always have, you’ll keep seeing the same possibiities and getting the same results. If you don’t open your mind and expand your perspective, you won’t see alternate possibilities that are available to you.

Listen to this episode to learn all about possibility thinking and how you can work toward having the mindset shift and belief in yourself that are necessary to be a possibility thinker.

It’s a good one… don’t miss it!

Listen to more episodes of Real, Brave, & Unstoppable HERE

Do you want to learn how to be a possibility thinker?

I can help! Let’s hop on a free consultation call. I’ll listen to exactly what’s keeping you stuck and share with you all of the ways I can help you step into a mindset of possibility so you can be unstoppable.

Contact me HERE to set up a time!

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I'm a life & wellness coach that helps women in midlife reconnect with themselves so they can be happier and get excited about life again.