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How to make the next decade better than the last

You’ve got one.  One life.  

And in case you haven’t noticed, life goes by really, really fast.  The question is, how are you spending this one, precious life?  Are you spending it on things that matter most to you?

Just like everyone else, I am sitting here dumbfounded that yet another year is coming to a close.  But this year, it’s not only a year coming to a close.  It’s a decade. 10 years.

At the end of each year, I like to spend sometime reflecting on what went well, what didn’t and what I’d like to accomplish in the coming year.  But this year, it seems appropriate to go whole-hog and review the whole darn decade.  I don’t know about you, but a LOT has happened over the last 10 years.  My life is very different!

So let’s do it.

First, Celebrate the Wins

My biggest win was getting through the most horrible time in my life in one piece.  My 2010 self would crumble at the thought of making it through what I have in the last 5 years.  I made it through finding out my husband is gay, navigating the tumultuous process of divorce and everything that comes with it, rediscovering my self.

I feel more empowered.  

My family made it through some difficult times with my son.  I have learned how to let go even when it’s hard.

I got back into racing (at least once, haha) by doing a half marathon last year (I used to do half-Ironman triathlons, marathons and half marathons on a regular basis).  I didn’t finish with the time I wanted, but for the first time back in about 4-5 years, I was still proud of my performance.

 I entered a new career and learned entire new skill sets, got my life coach certification and have made huge strides in building a business from the ground up.

What Have You Learned?

I’ve gained SO much wisdom.

coffee cup that says "get after it"

 I’ve learned that I can make it through anything.  I’ve learned that I am enough just as I am – flaws and all.  I don’t need to be fixed.

 I learned that I have everything I need inside of me to get through anything.

I learned how to love hard and risk losing everything.

I’ve learned to let go.

I’ve learned to go a little easy on myself and stay grounded/centered.  I’ve learned to smile more.

I’ve learned that just because you don’t do something perfect doesn’t mean you’ve failed.  And I’ve learned that failing can sometimes be a good thing.  Most importantly, when you fall, it’s not permanent unless you don’t get up.  

I’ve learned that life is never going to be easy, so it’s best to learn how to ride the waves and celebrate what you have in the midst of rough seas.

I’ve learned that gratitude can change your life.

I’ve learned the power of simply being there for others when they need someone.

I’ve learned to give.  And receive.  And ask.

Release What Doesn’t Serve You in the New Decade 

It’s always good to clean house, and get rid of things that don’t serve you. In this new decade, there are some things I want to release –  old Stories, limiting beliefs and thoughts I’m holding on to that don’t serve me.

I still have a tiny bit of anger toward my ex and the life he is living.  He has more money than I do.  He owns a house.  His house is nicer than mine.  He is always traveling.  He can do more, materialistically-speaking, than I can for my kids. I have released most of those feelings, but I want to be totally free of them.  I want to be happy for him, unconditionally, as hard as it is.

I want to release the hard feelings I have toward the friends that were some of my “best friends” before the divorce that took my ex’s side and no longer talk to me.  I have let go of a lot of these feelings as well, but there is still more work to be done.  I want to be able to send out unconditional love and compassion toward those people and wish them happiness and abundance regardless of their integrity.

I want to continue working on changing the story that I am not enough.  That I am overweight, or I look old.  

I want to tear down some belief systems that don’t serve me around relationships and money.  
I want to release my negative relationship with my body.  I want to look in the mirror and think “damn.. pretty good for late 40s” instead of checking to see how much fat I can pinch or worrying about the size of my pants.

I need to work on forgiving myself for being an emotional mess during my divorce and being unable to be a good mom to my kids during that time.  I want to forgive myself for the pain that I caused my son by not holding things together enough to show him how to be strong.

Projects and Goals in the New Decade

I’d like to quit drinking alcohol.  Or, at least make it the exception, not the norm.  It’s difficult when your day job is to sell craft beer! ? 

I’d like to be more mindful of the food I put into my body.  I want to eat more vegetables and drink more water.  I would love to lose 20 pounds, but I don’t want the goal to be the weight.  I want the goal to be how I want to feel.  I am working on that and will continue to do so in the new year/decade.

I want to grow my business to fully support my life after I am no longer getting child support and alimony.   I want to stay positive during that process, because it is hard and discouraging sometimes.

I want to help people on their journey to discovering the beautiful people they are. I want to help people find everything they need inside of themselves to live a life full of happiness, grace, joy, intention, gratitude and love.

I’d love to be more organized when it comes to keeping my house clean and decluttered!
I want to play the piano more, go for more hikes.  Spend more time with my dogs.

I want to work on being present when I am with my family and friends.  I get so wrapped up in working that often times I do too much multitasking. I want to give more to others by volunteering my time.

I want to remember that nothing has to be perfect.  That when things don’t go according to plan, I can yell “plot twist” and try something different.  I want to keep trying like a boss to do the things that are hard and I might have given up at in the past because I’ve told myself I am a failure for not killing it on the first try.

How you can make the next 10 years better than the last

Let’s be honest. Change is hard. I struggle with it too. I have learned a thing or two in my years of turmoil about goal setting and making it from point A to point B. And friend, I can help you get from point A to point B too.

I am hosting a free 5-day Facebook group challenge starting January 6th!

Inside the challenge, you’ll review of where you are in your life and what things aren’t serving you.  You’ll brainstorm what you’d like to work on in the new year.  You’ll discover the WHY behind what you want.  You’ll learn how to plan for things that threaten to derail your progress.  You’ll work on developing a positive, solid, mindset and come away from the challenge with a detailed plan complete with doable action steps to get you to your goals in 2020.
You’ll do all of this with the support of me, and tons of other people inside the challenge.  

I want to see you in the group on January 6th!  Please sign up HERE!

Shoot me a message with questions. I would love to hear from you!

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I'm a life & wellness coach that helps women in midlife reconnect with themselves so they can be happier and get excited about life again.