How you do one thing is how you do everything.
Generally speaking.
Last week, my mom and I taught an art journaling workshop. It was so much fun! All of the attendees had a great time, learned some basic art journaling techniques, and learned how they could use art journaling as a way to work on their perfectionism.
What? work on perfectionism with art journaling?
Because how you do one thing is how you do everything.
If you open your art journal to a blank page and start freaking out about making the first marks on a fresh page, chances are this shows up for you in other areas of your life.
If you create a journal page and look at it in disgust, berating yourself for creating such an ugly piece of “art”, chances are this behavior shows up in other areas of your life as well.
In this episode, I talk about why it’s important to get honest about your one thing and ask if you’re truly satisfied with it. In other words, are you 100% satisfied with how you’re showing up for your one thing?
If not, why aren’t you satisfied?
Why don’t you love how you handle your one thing?
As a coach, I help my clients see these patterns and clean up their thinking and behavior around their one thing. I also help them see how these thoughts and behaviors show up in other areas of their lives that they aren’t even realizing.
In this episode, I relate this concept to beliefs. Your beliefs and stories about how the world works and also the belief you have in yourself.
What this means is that the beliefs we have in one area of our life tend to be similar in all areas of our life, causing us to repeat similar patterns across all of those areas.
It’s important to check the stories and beliefs you have, as well as the belief in YOURSELF and your ability to make changes in your life.
For example, when you’re in a tough workout class, your attitude about persevering can say a lot. Are you someone who thinks it’s too hard and just gives up? Or do you give it your best and know that by pushing yourself just a little bit, you’re growing?
Do you tend to cut corners with things, or do things sloppily (is that a word? 🙂 )? Chances are, if you’re sloppy with things, you might believe that what you do doesn’t matter and that might be a pattern in other areas of your life as well.
If you own a business and your attitude about your product or service is “it’s fine. It’s good enough”, or “my mistakes don’t really matter. No one will notice them anyway”, that might be a subconscious belief that you don’t respect your work. That belief might be true of other areas of your life too. By having that belief, you could be blocking good things from coming to you.
Your beliefs about something create your results.
This is important to understand when you are trying to create change in your life, you have to believe that you can create the result. And you have to believe this before you have evidence that it will happen. Before you are certain it will happen.
So you need to clean up your thinking around your belief in all areas of your life so that you’re able to do that. And, since the way you do one thing is the way you do everything, your belief will spill over into other areas.
As a coach who helps people create transformation in their lives, my job is to show them where thoughts and patterns that don’t serve them are showing up in all areas of their lives. It’s also my job to hold belief for them until they can believe in their ability themselves.
In order to create change, you also need to become the person that has already achieved the result you’re looking for. You must learn to think, act and believe like that person that you will be once you’ve achieved your result.
This all comes back to paying attention to your beliefs and patterns and knowing that they are likely showing up in multiple areas.
This is why coaching is so helpful. We all have blind spots that we just can’t see ourselves. As a coach, it’s my job to point those out to my clients. It’s also my job to hold belief that they can achieve the result they’re after until they can believe it themselves.
It’s transformational and life-changing work.
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Other episodes to listen to
Why You Should Get to Know Your Future Self
Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone (so you can try new things this year!)
Believing in Magic