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How to Trust Your Intuition & the 5 Intuitive Types

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If you want to learn how to trust your intuition, you don’t want to miss this episode.

I’m chatting with Talia Joy, intuitive, channeling, and manifestation mentor, all about intuition – what it is, how to hear it, how to act on it and how to trust it. Plus, you’ll learn YOUR intuitive type, which will help you start to notice when you’re getting intuitive nudges.

This conversation was so helpful for my own understanding and embodiment of intuition and I know it will help you too.

Don’t miss it!

Be sure to check out Talia’s work:

Talia Joy Manifestation

Do you struggle with listening to your “gut”, or intuition?

Having your intuition as a trusty sidekick will invite so much more ease and flow into your life. I promise! I am living proof.

Let me ask you this – what do you desire more of in your life? What isn’t working?

Do you struggle with these questions?

Defining this “gap” between feeling like something isn’t working in your life and wanting something that does, is the first step toward a HUGE transformation in your life. And your intuition is here to guide you. I can help.

The foundation of my program is defining this gap and taking steps to close it. There is a lot more involved, of course, but intuition is a tool we talk about a lot to help you create a life you are EXCITED about.

Do you want to learn more?

I’d love to connect with you! Click HERE to schedule a FREE Clarity Session with me, where we’ll begin to define this gap for you and talk about some ways you can close it. (just fill out the contact form and I’ll be in touch shortly to get something on the books!)

free clarity session


I'm a life & wellness coach that helps women in midlife reconnect with themselves so they can be happier and get excited about life again.