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How to Have an Abundance Mindset

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Have you ever wondered how to have an abundance mindset and how it could change your life?

I know, I know, sometimes abundance mindset sounds king of “airy-fairy”. I mean, it’s pretty common to see it used in conjunction with things like the Law of Attraction, The Secret, manifestation, and woo-woo stuff like that.

But, if you start digging, there is really more to all of that than meets the eye. Abundance is just a way of thinking. It’s a mindset, really.

Think of it this way – when you are thinking in abundance, resources seem plentiful If you have a pie, you see the possibility of making more pie – the pie isn’t going to run out. Conversely, if you are living with a scarcity mindset, resources are limited. There’s just one pie and when it’s gone, everyone’s just plumb out of luck.

In this episode, of Real, Brave, & Unstoppable, I’m diving into the difference between abundance and scarcity mindset and how to have an abundance mindset.

Have a listen and let me know what you think!

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Transcript for Episode #67 – How an Abundance Mindset Can Change Your Life

Ep 67: abundance vs scarcity

[00:00:00] Hello, everyone. And welcome back to real, brave and unstoppable. This is episode number 67. Crazy. We’re ticking along here. I hope you’re enjoying your week.

[00:00:13] I’m enjoying mine. I’m enjoying my new office. It’s not quite so new anymore. I talked about on the podcast a couple of weeks ago, how my son went to college and we switched rooms. His room was in the basement and we moved him upstairs

[00:00:31] so my office was in the basement. It was so cold down there and the lighting is terrible. And I always had blankets and a heater, even though it’s summertime or now fall. But now I’m up upstairs and there’s so much more light and it’s just a nicer place to be working. I’m loving it.

[00:00:50] Today. I’m going to talk about abundance. I’ve been reading, a lot of Wayne Dyer and Abraham-Hicks lately. And if you’re not familiar with them, I would recommend checking Wayne Dyer out first.

[00:01:07] Wayne Dyer is awesome. His book Wishes Fulfilled is a great one. If you want one to start with that is all about like the law of attraction and abundance really manifesting, it’s not really about the law of attraction. It’s more about manifesting.

[00:01:21] So I thought today, since I’ve been reading a lot about that lately, and I have seen this work for me multiple times – mostly with money – and so I see a lot of truth in it.

[00:01:36] But I am going to focus it more just on the concept of abundance versus scarcity. And I think that can apply to everyone. Let’s dive in. I’m just going to start by talking about abundance versus scarcity and how they’re different. I think it’s a little obvious, but we’ll touch on it anyway.

[00:01:55] Abundance is really that there’s plenty. There’s an innate tendency of nature to manifest. It’s always growing and becoming more. It’s the tendency of life force to produce more and create more of everything. New things are always being invented, created.  The universe is always expanding and growing.

[00:02:18] There’s plenty out there for everyone. Basically, that’s sort of the idea of abundance. It’s like, we all win. We see possibility not limitations. I’m going to give some bullet points about scarcity and then I’ll kind of contrast and compare the two, but scarcity is when you’re very obsessed with a lack of something. You see life as having finite resources and there’s not enough to go around. This comes up a lot with money.

[00:02:46] Scarcity sees limitations instead of possibility. There’s trade-off thinking too, like, if I buy this, I can’t have that. It’s like you can’t have both. And it really makes you myopic. So, you only see when you’re in scarcity thinking you really only see evidence that supports scarcity.

[00:03:10] You don’t see the evidence of abundance, which is why when people in scarcity mindset think about the law of attraction and abundance, they can’t get their head around it because their scarcity mindset is not allowing them to see any of the magic of an abundance mindset.

[00:03:30] Some examples of scarcity mindset. Money comes up a lot for people in this one. There’s not enough money. I never have enough. I’m always in debt. There’s a mentality, if you win, then I lose. Like there can only be one winner. Scarcity mindset views competition as taking part of the pie, instead of just baking more pies. This whole concept can be really summed up in this pie analogy.

[00:03:54] Abundance mindset says, “oh, the pie is gone… Well, we can make more”. Scarcity mindset is like, “you know, they’re all vying for the last piece of pie because it’s the last piece of pie that ever will exist in the universe.”

[00:04:07] There’s a “what’s the use of trying, there’s no way I’ll win anyway” mentality. Things aren’t going my way. Why is this happening to me? Or when something doesn’t go your way, like say you don’t get a job, you want:

[00:04:19] Oh, I’m not good enough. I’ll never get a job.  Those are all scarcity ways of thinking, and you can really just go to the opposite with abundance mindset and examples of that. Like, there’s always enough money to go around. Money is there if I want it. We all can win. Let’s figure out how we can all win.

[00:04:37] We can bake more pies. There are enough resources for everyone.

[00:04:42] And I don’t really know if I’ll succeed, but I’m going to try anyway, because it might work.

[00:04:48] And just because you have one thing doesn’t mean you can’t have another thing. People with a scarcity mindset tend to feel very guilty for what they have. Like they should just be thankful for what they have. Abundance mindset people realize they can be thankful for what they have and still desire something else. Desire more.

[00:05:06] This can show up in relationships too. II remember when I was dating, I thought, “Oh, I’ll never find someone”. An abundance mindset would say there’s someone out there for me. I just haven’t found him yet.

[00:05:20] So an abundance mindset is very related to what you believe about yourself.

As you know, I do a ton of work with clients on self-love – unconditional self-love – so that they can create confidence and the belief in themselves to be able to create a life they’re inspired to live.

[00:05:45] And that really means really it comes down to developing this abundance mindset.

[00:05:53] And some ways to shift that are first of all, to work on self-love. And we’ll get to that in a little bit.

[00:06:00] But also focus on what you do have instead of what you don’t have. That’s a big one. That’s a great practice, as you’re starting to realize that you’re not an abundance thinker that, you know, to practice just looking at what you do have and being appreciative of that. Let’s be clear also, this contradicts what I said earlier about how you don’t have to feel guilty for wanting more.

[00:06:29] It doesn’t mean that you can’t want more. It’s just that when you’re trying to get into the habit of thinking in abundance, you don’t want to be focusing on what you don’t have. You want to be focusing on what you want. So, if you focus on what you do have, and you know, you’re appreciative of your life

[00:06:51] but you don’t have a car that you like, for example, you don’t focus on, “I don’t have the car that I want”. You focus on, “someday I’ll have a car that I love, or I will have that car that I want”. Do you see what I’m saying? You have to twist it. You must shift it. I mentioned the law of attraction before – when you say I don’t have the car that I want the law of attraction doesn’t

[00:07:16] work. When you focus on what you’re in lack of that does not give you an abundance mindset is what I’m trying to say.

[00:07:24] And abundance mindset just feels way more expansive and lighter. It feels easy and flowing. And that’s why you want to get in that place. Also -surround yourself with other people that have this mindset. It is energetically super draining when you have an abundance mindset to be around people who are in lack.

[00:07:45] It just is. So do your best to try to find those people and they will lift you up.

[00:07:52] Create win-win situations. I mentioned before the scarcity mindset is one that says if one person wins, the other person loses. And you know, if you think about it literally like in sports, one person wins the game. The other person loses the game. There’s a quote by someone, some famous sports person, and I can’t remember who it is, but basically it says:

[00:08:14] There are two winners. There’s one that wins the game. And then there’s the other one that gets to keep playing too, because they’ve learned something from that loss. So it goes back to what I said in the last episode about fear of failure. I really don’t believe there’s a such thing as failure or really losing because you’re always gaining something.

[00:08:33] It might not be what you wanted to gain, but it’s always gaining something and that’s an abundance mindset – to also to be able to see what you’re gaining instead of losing. Even though you might’ve lost something, you’re looking at it, you’re shifting your thinking in that way. And energetically, that is, like I said, such a better place, such a better feeling place to be.

[00:08:53] When you create win-win situations, it’s an “everybody wins” mindset.

[00:08:58] So, you know, how can we all win?

[00:09:00] There’s not just one pie. There’s enough to go around. Multiple times. Gratitude is helpful in so many ways, but in terms of an abundance mindset, developing that in yourself, gratitude is huge. There’s a quote by Oprah that I love. If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough. And that goes back to what I said also about focusing on what you have. It’s so true.

[00:09:26] When, when you focus on not having enough money or having too much debt or, you know, not having a nice house, you’re always feeling like you don’t have enough. But if you focus on I have a house to live in. I have a car to drive. I have a good job. You’re, in a place of being able to attract more good stuff to your life.

[00:09:49] And your brain, like I mentioned before, your brain always looks for evidence to support your belief. So, if you’re in scarcity and lack your brain is going to look for evidence that the world is full of scarcity and lack. But if you believe in abundance, your brain is going to look for evidence. That that is also true. So, think about that.

[00:10:09] Now this one I love because I’m all about possibility. But train your mind to recognize possibility, allow yourself to see more in your life. More options, more choices, more resources like that’s abundance. There’s a lot out there. There are resources everywhere. When we focus on what we don’t have,

[00:10:29] we’re recognizing limitations.

[00:10:32] Most of the time there are other possibilities that are right in front of us that can totally go unnoticed. So, if I can’t, or it’s impossible is your belief, your brain is just going to look for evidence to support that. And it’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

[00:10:49] Also look for the lessons. It’s easy to get caught up in scarcity mindset when things aren’t going your way. Like, I can’t believe this is happening to me. I’ll never get ahead. I’ll probably lose my job over this. All those kinds of things that are just immediately going to this negative thinking.

[00:11:07] But is there another perspective? Think about that. Can I look at this differently? What is the lesson here? How can you use the situation to grow and develop? Like, I can’t believe this is happening to me. I have so many examples of this in my life. When I went through my divorce and you know, my ex-husband came out,

[00:11:29] I can’t even tell you how many times I said that I can’t believe this is happening to me. This stuff always happens to me. Life sucks. Talk about lack and. Scarcity mindset.

[00:11:40] But when I started to be able to shift out of that, I was able to look at the lessons of that and say that experience in my life while it was really hard, and at the time it really sucked and it still sometimes sucks, I gained so much from that. And I grew so much. And I had so many opportunities that I wouldn’t have had otherwise.

[00:12:05] And it helps me realize that there’s good in the things that don’t seem good. It also helps me see more possibilities. I call myself a possibility thinker. I can always see possibilities. I don’t see limitations anymore. And you can have that too.

[00:12:25] The last one I’m going to share with you is, like I mentioned, self -love and believe you’re enough. Self-love is plentiful. It’s everywhere. You are love. You just have to let yourself be love. You know, do you feel that you deserve good things in your life? Or do you feel guilty for what you have? Explore those feelings? Notice what’s comes up for you.

[00:12:50] If you feel guilty or undeserving of good things in your life, really look at that. Why is that? What’s your story? What benefit does your story have for you? What is it doing for you? Because we all – every one of us – has a story that doesn’t serve us in some way.

[00:13:08] And we’ve got to look at what it’s doing to keep us safe. And once we kind of can heal that we can let it go and create a new story. Scarcity makes it really easy to see things from a place of I’m not enough. That’s really, I’m not enough as a scarcity mindset. So when we can shift those thoughts to thoughts of worthiness and

[00:13:27] believing you deserve more, that doesn’t mean someone else gets less.

[00:13:32] Everyone is deserving of everything that they desire in the world, just because they’re human, just because they exist. There’s more than enough to go around. Of course, there is suffering in the world where. Where people, they don’t have enough, but you get to decide what part of that suffering you want to change? Do you want to be in guilt and comparison because you don’t believe that you’re deserving of what you do have or do you want to choose to use your resources to make an impact in the world? You have that choice.

[00:14:03] If this topic interests you, I highly recommend you read wishes fulfilled by Wayne Dyer. It was a great book. I really, really, really enjoyed it. It’s a book that will shift your perspective on things. It’s, if you’re in a lot of scarcity, you definitely have to read that book. It’s so good.

[00:14:20] If you want to learn more about the law of attraction, Abraham-Hicks is a great place to start.

[00:14:26] If you want to learn more about the law of attraction and manifesting things that you desire in your life, feel free to reach out. I’m not an expert, but I know a little bit, and I will tell you that I’ve seen this work in my life more than once. So, if you’d like to learn more about that or hear my experiences, I am happy to share those. Just reach out to me via email.

[00:14:48] Also, I want to tell you or remind you about how to work with me if you’re feeling like you have a lot of scarcity thinking in your life. You’ve got to fix that. If you’re feeling like you have a lot of scarcity thinking in your life, I want you to realize that you don’t have to stay that way.

[00:15:10] Your life is going to be so much easier and so much more enjoyable if you can shift to an abundance mindset. In so many ways I’m living proof of that. We start with the self-worth. And self-love. Unconditional self-love…

[00:15:29] Which is a process. It’s my work too, but

[00:15:33] we work on that first.

[00:15:35] And hand-in-hand with that is just learning who you are. And having the courage to show up as that person. They go hand in hand. You know, believing you’re enough and not being afraid to show up as yourself. And from that you gain confidence. You learn to trust that you’re okay. Nothing’s broken.

[00:15:56] You’re fine. You’re good. So, you approach things from a, Hey, I got this, kind of mentality.  I can help you with that. And it’s great work. It has a ginormous ripple effect. It’ll affect every area of your life in a positive way so please reach out. I’m super excited about this program. Well, I have two programs and a retreat coming up too. So, get on my mailing list. If you’re not on it, you can go to my website to do that, and you’ll be the first to hear about all of these amazing opportunities.

[00:16:26] And in case you needed to hear it today. You’re amazing. You are enough exactly how you are. You are not broken. There’s nothing to fix. But sister, there is everything to love. Okay, friends have a great week, and I will see you next week.


I'm a life & wellness coach that helps women in midlife reconnect with themselves so they can be happier and get excited about life again.