Being Brave & Taking Bold Action

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This week on Real, Brave, & Unstoppable, I’m talking all about being brave & bold.

To be bold means to show the ability to take risks. To be courageous and confident.

But why take risks? Why be bold?

I don’t mean risky in the sense of being careless. I mean risks in the sense of getting out of your comfort zone to try new things which, in turn, helps you grow. Sometimes, you need to be a little bold in order to cultivate what you really want in your life.

Albert Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”, meaning that we can’t keep doing the same things over and over and expect to get different a result (this was also a famous Einstein quote – the definition of insanity!). So, in order to get a different result, you need to be a little bold – do something differently than you’ve done before.

This requires courage.

In this episode of Real, Brave, & Unstoppable, I talk about what it means to be courageous and bold. I tell you how fear gets in the way and how you can use your courage to take bold action and move through the fear. I also talk about what being courageous and bold makes available to you. What benefits this way of being can bring you.

Being brave is one of my favorite topics. I believe that you can create whatever it is you desire in your life. I believe anything is possible for you. If you can find some courage and a little bit of bold you can be UNSTOPPABLE!

Are you missing courage and confidence in your life?

It doesn’t have to be that way? You can learn self-confidence and you can learn courage. Let me show you how!

Click HERE to contact me and we’ll set up a FREE Clarity Session where I’ll listen to you tell me about what’s missing for you in your life and give you my ideas on how you can fix it. You don’t want to miss this free call!

free clarity session


I'm a life & wellness coach that helps women in midlife reconnect with themselves so they can be happier and get excited about life again.